Checking Citizens
Bank has a checking account that will fit the needs of every customer.
Whether you need a regular or interest-bearing account, we have
carefully planned all our checking accounts and feel confident that
one has been designed just for you.
Hometown Secure is our most popular premium banking package.
It combines a checking account with a host of convenient banking
"extras" making the "Hometown" difference. For
a fee of only $7.00 per month you can take advantage of these "extras".
If you are over 50 years of age, the fee is only $3.00 per month. CB Go Green Account Our CB Go Green checking account is economical and allows you unlimited check writing privileges each month. There is no monthly charge when you receive email statements and direct deposit. $25 minimum to open.Advantage Checking Wouldn't you like to earn interest on your checking account balance? With our Now Account, you'll enjoy the flexibility of unlimited check writing privileges while earning interest on your money at the same time. Interest is paid monthly, and there is no service charge when you maintain a balance of $1,000.Money Market Account Our Money Market is a premium account with excellent liquidity. Not only are you able to take advantage of money market rates, but you also have convenient access to your money when you need it. If you maintain the low balance requirement of $1,000, a monthly service charge will be waived. All around, this is a smart investment. There are regulatory limitations on the number of withdrawals you may make in any month.Senior Checking Account The account owner must be age 65 or older. $25 minimum to open and no minimum balance fee applies Student Checking Account For a student 12 to 23 years old, our hassle-free student checking is the account for you. There’s NO monthly fee and NO minimum balance. $25 minimum to open. $25 Gift card will be given to account holder at account opening.1 1Will be reported on a 1099-INT
Citizens Bank